Winnie + home alone = lots of havoc and mayhem to my belongings and house = I don't leave house as much and start to feel resentful = I spend hours cleaning and deodorizing
Winnie + crate + home alone = no more surprises when I return = happier me and Winnie!
As Michael from The Office puts it, "It's a win-win-win situation!"
So I'm not really there yet, but one of the projects I'm most excited about beginning is my next animation.
Of course, it's still in the pre-production phases (the er.... "storyboard-in-your-head" phase, to be precise...) but I've already got a happy soundtrack picked out!
So in the meantime, here's a VERY delightful animation about animation and why it's so magical in the first place.
(by the very talented radibo!)
(P.S.- All that stuff that happens in the beginning really does happen.)
I laughed and laughed and laughed. What a brilliant, and delightful little piece of work (not so little to put together though, I should imagine). I didn't have the sound on, but didn't need it as it was self explanatory. Thank you for showing it and thank you to the maker for making it.